Call for Papers – Leeds 2024

We are proposing to organise sessions at the International Medieval Congress in Leeds in 2024, sponsored by the Viking Society. The dates of the conference are 1-4 July. We hope this will be a great way to promote interest in medieval Scandinavian topics and for Society members from all over the world to meet in dialogue. (Participation is not limited to Viking Society members, though, so feel free to pass this notice on to others who could be interested.)

The overall theme of the conference is ‘Crisis’. We welcome proposals responding to this theme in a medieval Scandinavian context (see the Call for Papers for inspiration on how it could be interpreted: We also welcome proposals, however, for papers ranging beyond the theme to address any aspect of the diverse interests covered by the Society, in whatever discipline – literary, historical, archaeological – and from a variety of perspectives. We hope to include a range of speakers from graduate students and early career researchers to more senior scholars.

If you would be interested in offering a paper, please get in touch! We can be reached by email at and/or We will do our best to group individual papers together thematically, but please also let us know if you have an idea for a theme that others may be willing to join and we will try to make up the numbers (three twenty-minute papers being standard for a session). It will be helpful too if you could provide a short abstract (this will be needed eventually – c. 100 words – but a rough indication is all we need for the moment).

Session proposals are not due until 30th September 2023, so titles and topics do not need to be final at this stage, but we are setting an initial deadline for offers of 24th August. This is so that any offers that we can’t fit into our session plan can still be referred to the main programming committee, which has a deadline of 31st August for individual papers.

For those not familiar with the Leeds IMC conventions, please note that the Viking Society’s ‘sponsorship’ unfortunately does not imply financial support, and you, or your institution, will have to be able to fund attendance at what is, sadly, quite an expensive conference (though there are some bursaries available –see )

Hoping to see many of you in Leeds!

Alison Finlay

Tim Bourns 

Report from Natalia Radziwillowicz (Research Support Fund)

The Bergen International Postgraduate Symposium, 2023

With thanks to the Viking Society for Northern Research, and the University of Nottingham, I was able to attend and present a paper at the 14th Bergen International Postgraduate Symposium in Old Norse Studies, which took place from the 17th to the 20th April 2023.

The Symposium has not been held in the last few years due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and it was encouraging to once again be part of an academic event which was so motivational, supportive and multi-disciplinary.

The Symposium provided the opportunity to meet young academics from many different Universities, and the input of established scholars meant that it was possible to discuss ideas and consider research from different viewpoints. The feedback and questions from the audience after each paper highlighted how clearly engaged and interested everyone was in stimulating discussion, and delving into one another’s research. This made for a lively and very heartening Symposium, and was further evidenced by the fact that these discussions and questions were not limited to the time we spent in the auditorium, but would spill over into lunchtime debates, and increasingly amusing discussions in ‘Det Akademiske Kvarter’ at the end of the day.

My paper focused on the interactions between Danes and Slavs, as portrayed in the 13th century text, Knýtlinga saga, and I was delighted to receive questions and suggestions from the audience. These questions have prompted me to look into some ideas which I had not considered before, perhaps most notably about the ways in which Christian saints could be adopted or even deified by non-Christian communities, and I am delighted to have had this experience, which will doubtless help shape my ongoing research.

Although much of our time was spent in the auditorium (and adjoining tea/coffee station), the organisers also arranged excursions, the first of which was a fascinating visit to the University Library Special Collections exhibit, where we were able to hear about the ways in which the library has specialised in manuscript collection and preservation, and how these manuscripts are safely stored and transported when needed. The final day saw us travel slightly out of Bergen to Lyse kloster (Lyse Abbey), the ruins of a 12th century Cistercian Monastery, with its own quarry nearby, and then on to the Hordamuseet, a museum  which includes exhibits inside showcasing boat building and a history of farming and fishing in the area, as well as open-air sites which included an iron age burial,  the sunken remains of a boat building yard, and examples of different building types from the region.

At the close of this day myself and my fellow University of Nottingham participants had to part ways with the Bergen Symposium organisers and attendees, and say our reluctant goodbyes as we headed to the airport to return to Nottingham. After a very full itinerary I think we were all tired, but the experience had left us excited and ready to head back into our research with a revitalised sense of the importance of research, but also with the knowledge that there is a thriving academic community we belong to.

With sincere thanks to the University of Bergen for hosting and organising this Symposium once more, and with special thanks to the Viking Society for Northern Research and the University of Nottingham for providing me with the means to attend.

Ha det bra, Norge!

Summer Meeting: Saturday 24 June 2023

The annual general meeting will be held at the University of Cardiff on 24 June.

The keynote speaker will be Gareth Evans, who will present on the topic ‘Towards a Poetics of Emotion in Saga Narrative’.

The Council will convene at 2pm.