Membership of the Viking Society is open to anybody with an interest in the medieval North. Members are welcome to attend the three annual meetings of the Society, and to bring guests. They receive the annual issue of Saga-Book and other occasional publications at no additional cost. Members can buy Viking Society publications at a low cost, usually half the retail price (see our Publications page). Members are also entitled to borrowing rights at the library of University College London: see Learned Society Members for information and instructions for joining.
How to join the Viking Society
- Please email to let us know who you are and provide a postal address so we can send you Saga-Book.
- Please then pay your membership fee by bank transfer, standing order, PayPal or cheque – see details below. We will not automatically have your full name, postal or email address from your payment, so please don’t forget to email us!
Students (full-time and part-time) are given a discounted rate. If you are joining as a student, please specify your institution and expected date of graduation.
Membership fees are payable on 01 October annually.
Ordinary membership | £25.00 |
Student membership | £12.00 |
Ordinary membership by standing order (to Santander account) | £23.00 |
If you change your postal or email address, please email the Society.
Payments to the Society
Please note that it is not possible to order Viking Society publications direct. Please see Publications for ordering instructions.
For all other payments to the Society, such as membership, book auctions and the annual dinner, choose from the following options:
- Payment by bank transfer/standing order
The Society’s Bank is:
Santander UK plc
Sort code: 09-01-55
Account holder: Viking Society
Account number: 70699800
IBAN: GB33ABBY09015570699800
Bank address: 2 Triton Square, Regent’s Place, London, NW1 3AN
- Payment by PayPal
Type the amount you are paying in the field below and click on Donate. This takes you to our PayPal page. Payment is taken through the secure PayPal system.
If you want to pay by credit card but don’t have a PayPal account, please email our treasurer:
You can also use our PayPal link:
Anyone can use this, but it is especially useful for members in certain countries in which the above PayPal methods are not available.
- Payment by cheque
It is also possible to make payments by cheque to ‘The Viking Society for Northern Research’. Please send these to the Treasurer at:
Viking Society for Northern Research
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT